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How effectively can your dash cam capture license plate details?

One frequently asked question we encounter is about the ability of dash cams to capture details like license plate numbers. Recently, we conducted a test using four flagship dash cams to evaluate their performance in various situations.

Elements Influencing the Readability of License Plates by Your Dash Cam

1. Speed

Your vehicle’s traveling speed and the other vehicle’s speed play an important role in your dash cam’s license plate readability. Going back to the 1080p Full HD dash cam – yes, it records in Full HD, but only when it’s a still picture. Motion changes everything.

If your vehicle travels much faster or slower than the other vehicle, chances are your dash cam will not be able to pick up all the license plate numbers and details. Most dash cams on the market shoot at 30FPS, and a speed differential greater than 10 mph would likely result in blurry details. It’s not your dash cam’s fault, it’s just physics.

That being said, if there was some point where you were traveling at the same speed as the other vehicle, you might be able to get a good view of the license plate in your video footage.

2. License plate design

Have you ever noticed that the license plates in North America often use very thin font, compared to those in Europe? Video cameras do not pick up thin fonts as easily, often blending into the background, making it blurry and hard to read. This effect worsens at night time, when the vehicle’s headlights reflect off the plates in front of you. This might not be obvious to the naked eye, but it makes reading license plates very difficult for dash cams. Unfortunately, there is no CPL filter that can remove this type of glare.

3. Recording Resolution

Resolution refers to the number of pixels in a frame. A higher pixel count gets you an image with better quality. For instance, 1080p means there are 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels high. Multiply together and you get 2,073,600 total pixels. There are 3840 times 2160 pixels in 4K UHD, so you do the math. If you are capturing an image of a license plate, a higher resolution provides more data or information, as the extra pixels allow you to zoom in closer for farther away license plates.

4. Recording Frame Rate

Frame rate refers to the number of frames captured per second of whatever the camera is recording. The higher the frame rate, the more frames there are of that moment, allowing the footage to be clearer with fast-moving objects.

Learn more about recording resolution and frame rates on our blog: “4K or 60FPS – Which is More Important?”

5. Image Stabilization

Image Stabilization prevents shakiness in your footage, allowing the most clear captured footage in bumpy situations.

6. Night Vision Technology

Night vision is a term used to describe a dash cam’s recording capabilities under low light conditions. Dash cams with the proper night vision technology typically adjust exposure automatically with changing light environments, allowing them to capture more details in challenging lighting situations.

7. CPL Filters

In sunny and bright driving conditions, lens flares and over-exposed footage from the dash cam can compromise its ability to capture a license plate. Using a CPL filter can help reduce these risks by minimizing glare and enhancing overall image quality.

8. Recording Bitrate

High bitrate may improve the quality and smoothness of the video, especially when recording fast motion or high contrast scenes. However, it’s important to note that higher bitrate videos take up more space on the microSD card.

Having a dash cam is crucial because, in the event of an accident, it provides valuable information about the vehicles involved, their direction, traveling speed, and other critical details. Once you’ve come to a stop, the camera can capture the license plates in 1080p Full HD.

Another helpful trick is to read the license plate out loud when you see it so that your dash cam can record the audio of you stating it. That concludes our discussion on dash cam license plate readability. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out, and we’ll respond as soon as possible!

Post time: Dec-08-2023